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Natures Beauty  Original by Lena Kibbler

Natures Beauty Original by Lena Kibbler


Mixed media 

35cm x 26cm


This image emerged after studying some of the buttons and I likened them to the centre of a flower. The centre button compliments each flower and adds a three dimensional aspect and a focal point. The combination of leaves and flowers creating a pattern and a fusion of colour in negative and positive space makes you study all areas as well as the overall visual impact.



With over four decades of living and working in Dundee and Angus, Lena Kibbler's background in textile design, obtained through her attendance at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, has allowed her to utilize her design roots in her mixed media art. Having retired from her teaching career, Lena has more time and opportunity to create her unique pieces of art, characterized by the combination of strong colours and intricate detailing, inspired by the natural world. Through experimentation with various forms, Lena produces diverse and impressive results, which have been exhibited in venues such as Dundee Botanics, Arbroath, and the Discovery Centre. Lena has also contributed her talent to the creation of public wild in art sculpture trails.

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