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Little Blue Original by Annie Mitra

Little Blue Original by Annie Mitra


Painting on canvas

20cm x 20cm


I didn’t want this painting to be a collage made entirely out of buttons. I pictured a cat straight away and knew that the buttons would represent the eyes. I played around with several sketches before ending up with the simplicity of a kitten, who, after all and when very young, have little button eyes!


Annie Mitra is a contemporary and figurative artist living in London.
She studied both in New York and Paris where she earned her BFA in Communication Design & Illustration. Annie started her career writing and illustrating children’s books as well as editorial illustration.

She worked  mostly in gouache before experimenting more recently with acrylic, creating textures on canvas. Her work often depicts wildlife and birds and she is often known for her paintings of blackbirds and her blue palette.
 Annie also paints pet portraits.

‘I like to create textures in my work through layers of paint which I will blot and spread on the canvas using various tools. I also like to use torn paper, working with collage.
I am greatly influenced by the works of; Mark Rothko, Milton Avery and Henri Matisse.’

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