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Diversity Original by Lena Kibbler

Diversity Original by Lena Kibbler


Mixed media 

40cm x 29cm


I initially painted a button on my drawing and this got me thinking of individuality and I started to create more drawings in different sizes colours and shapes. By adding real buttons more and more selection was created. While I was working to me my buttons became characters. The quiet shrink into the background ones and the in your face flamboyant ones and the simple ones and the complicated ones all different in their own way just like us so this work represents the button community and could only be titled… Diversity


With over four decades of living and working in Dundee and Angus, Lena Kibbler's background in textile design, obtained through her attendance at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, has allowed her to utilize her design roots in her mixed media art. Having retired from her teaching career, Lena has more time and opportunity to create her unique pieces of art, characterized by the combination of strong colours and intricate detailing, inspired by the natural world. Through experimentation with various forms, Lena produces diverse and impressive results, which have been exhibited in venues such as Dundee Botanics, Arbroath, and the Discovery Centre. Lena has also contributed her talent to the creation of public wild in art sculpture trails.

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